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Ferguson protests reach Turkey as Besiktas fans hold up Michael Brown 'don't shoot' tribute during Arsenal match

Besiktas fans in Istanbul held up a 'RIP Mike Brown' sign

Heather Saul
Wednesday 20 August 2014 05:28 EDT

The protests in Ferguson over the killing of Michael Brown have caught the attention of people across the world, as fans at a UEFA Champion League football match between Arsenal and Besiktas in Turkey demonstrated with their "Don’t shoot" placard.

Witnesses say Brown was shot with his hands in the air in surrender, while police claim officer Darren Wilson shot him during an altercation.

Besiktas fans at the Istanbul match paid tribute to witness accounts that Brown was in a position of surrender at the time he was killed, holding up a sign showing a person with their hands in the air and the quotes “No racism” and “#RIP Mike Brown”.

Street protests in the predominantly African-American community of 21,000 people in Ferguson have been punctuated by looting, vandalism and clashes between demonstrators and police every night since the unarmed 18-year-old was killed by a white police officer.

The Governor of Missouri, Jay Nixon, has responded to protests with increasingly severe measures, first employing a state of emergency in Ferguson before deploying the National Guard to the area.

Authorities have also fired tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse crowds, angering demonstrators.

Dozens of people have been arrested and a second young black man was shot dead by two police officers on Tuesday night. The 23-year-old man from St Louis has not yet been named by police.

The St Louis county prosecutor’s office is expected to present evidence against officer Wilson to a grand jury on Wednesday.

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