'We have been eating leaves,' say Niger people
Hundreds had trudged for dozens of miles under a baking sun to get to the relief centre at Dukukuneye, to wait patiently for their first real sustenance in more than three months.
Twenty-four hours earlier, Mamadou Tandja, the ruler of Niger, said all this talk of mass starvation was just "foreign propaganda ... deception to obtain increased funding" by the United Nations and aid agencies. What problems there are, he added, "are not serious".
Abadi Kokari, the 62-year-old village chief, shook his head. "I am sure the problems are not serious in the President's mansion. But it is a bit different for us here in the bush. Perhaps the President would like to come and have dinner with us here?" he said with a laugh. "I am an old man and have never seen a blight this bad for 50 years. We have been living like animals. We have been eating leaves from the trees. People have had poisoned plants and they have died.
"Just two days ago we had two stillborn babies because the mothers were starving. We are grateful for this food, but it is not coming from the government is it? It is coming from foreigners."
The aid, from the World Food Programme, is being distributed by the international charity World Vision. It aims to reach 165,000 villages between the towns of Maradi and Zindar in the next two months.
The United Nations says that the combined effects of drought and crop-destroying locusts have left 3.6 million people here facing severe food shortages. Children are most at risk, with 800,000 under five who need to be fed urgently, the UN says.
Emmanuel Isch, the organisation's relief manager, said: "The President will say what he will, but all you have to do is to look at the way these people are living to appreciate that we have a serious food crisis."
Three-year-old Noura is shivering despite the heat. She has fever and a high temperature. Her mother Khatima, 30, said: "We have come here for food but I am hoping someone will treat my daughter. I want her to get medicine before it is too late. We have been eating things from the trees for the past two months. We boil them first, but they are not good for you. My seven children, my husband and I have all been vomiting. I was so sick the last time I have not eaten for four days."
Hanef Diawalla, the prefect of the region, a portly man who does not appear to have missed many meals, made a flying visit to the relief operation in a fleet of air-conditioned four-wheel drive vehicles. What did he think of the President's remarks about the crisis, or the lack of it?
"I am a government official, what do you expect me to say?" he said with a giggle. "I agree with the President; this year is no more bad than other years. We have always had problems with the lack of rain and locusts. The government is doing everything it can to improve matters, I promise you that."
A second round of rations is due in September.
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