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At least 101 killed in head-on bus crash

Associated Press
Tuesday 28 March 2000 18:00 EST

At least 101 people were killed on Wednesday when two buses travelling in opposite directions crashed head-on and burst into flames in western Kenya.

Daniel Musau, the area's chief police officer, said 101 people died in the accident at 1pm near the town of Kericho, 141 miles northwest of Nairobi.

He said 57 others were hospitalised in Kericho, some with serious injuries.

Mr Masau said the westbound bus was travelling at high speed and swerved to avoid a pothole, slamming head-on into the eastbound bus owned by Akamba Bus Services at Kapkatungor trading centre, west of Kericho, an important tea-growing centre.

Fifty-nine bodies were pulled from the eastbound bus, which was badly burned, and 42 from the other bus.

Although most long-distance buses in Kenya are licensed to carry 62 passengers, most carry more and often double the official limit.

Highway accidents are commonplace in Kenya where roads and vehicles are often in poor repair.

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