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New Year Honours: Order of the British Empire

Dame Commander (DBE)

Thursday 30 December 2004 20:00 EST

Holmes, Miss Kelly, MBE, For serv Athletics. MacDonald, Mrs Mary Beaton, Headteach, Riverside Primary School, North Shields, North Tyneside. For serv Educ. Mullally, The Rev Sarah Elisabeth, Formerly ch Nursing Offr, Dept of Health. Pugh, Dr Gillian Mary, OBE, Chief exec, Coram Family. For serv Children and their Families. Thomas, Prof Jean Olwen, CBE, FRS, Prof of Macromolecular Biochemistry, Univ of Camb. For serv Biochemistry. Grey-Thompson, Mrs Tanni Carys Davina, OBE, For serv Disabled Sport. Waterman, Dr Fanny, CBE, Chair and Artistic dir, Leeds Internat Pianoforte Competition. For serv Music.

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