Birthday Honours: Diplomatic and Overseas
Knights Bachelor; Order of St Michael and St George; Order of the British Empire
Knights Bachelor
Kadoorie, The Hon Michael David, For charitable serv in the UK and overseas. Li Kwok-Po, Dr David, OBE, For serv educ in the UK.
Order of St Michael and St George
Knight Commander (KCMG)
Conway, Prof Gordon Richard, F.R.S. For serv internat devel, science and agric. Dalton, Richard John, CMG, HM Ambassador, Tehran. Pepper, Dr David Edwin, Dir, GCHQ.
Commander (CMG)
Boyd, Andrew Jonathan Corrie, OBE, Formerly Counsellor, FCO. Brown, Prof Archibald Haworth, F.B.A. For serv UK-Russian rels and to the study of polit science and internat affrs. Grainger, John Andrew, Dep Legal Adviser, FCO. Gunn, Ms Janet Frederica, Formerly Research Counsellor, FCO. Jenkins, Peter Redmond, HM Ambassador to the UN Agencies, Vienna. Neville-Rolfe, Miss Lucy Jeanne, For serv the FCO Board of Management. Russell, Andrew John, Formerly Counsellor, FCO.
Order of the British Empire
Dame Commander (DBE)
Smith, The Hon Jennifer Meredith, MP, For publ serv, Bermuda.
Knight Commander (KBE)
Owen-Jones, Lindsay Harwood, CBE, For serv Brit busnss intrsts and to UK-French rels. Smurfit, Dr Michael William Joseph, For serv Brit busnss and charitable intrsts.
Commander (CBE)
Allum, Anthony Kenneth, For serv Brit busnss intrsts in Iraq. Eldon, David Gordon, JP, For serv Brit busnss intrsts and the commty in Hong Kong. Mitchell, Judge Justice Ian Donaldson, QC, Formerly of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court. For publ serv in the Eastern Caribbean, especly Anguilla.
Officer (OBE)
Bayley, Gareth Christopher, Formerly First sec, Brit Embassy, Baghdad. Bochmann, Dr Christopher Consitt, For serv UK-Portuguese cultural rels. Harrell-Bond, Dr Barbara, For serv refugee and forced migration studies. Caswell, Paul Robert, For serv disabled people in West Africa. Chambers, Timothy John Andresen, For serv UK busnss intrsts and the Brit commty in Portugal. Chapman, Mrs Teresa Fiori, MBE, For serv the Brit commty, especly the elderly, in Argentina. Dartnall, Gary Brian, For serv the Brit film ind in the USA. Davies, Michael Peter, For serv disabled people in developing countries. Bartels-Ellis, Ms Fiona, Diversity mgr, Br Ccl HQ. Gillespie, Baron Robert Brown, Of Blackhall. For serv Brit busnss intrsts, especly engring, in France. Graham, Robert Alastair Seymour, For serv jrnism. Green, David Thomas, For serv the design and prodn of med instruments. Higgins, John Joseph, For serv the construction of the Brit Embassy, Baghdad. Hughes, Brian Phillip, For serv the Brit commty in Portugal. James, David Joseph, For serv Brit educ in Hong Kong. Lamb, Adrian Frank, Hon Treasurer, R Inst of Internat Affairs. MacLeod, Gen Norman, Hon Legal Adviser to the Brit Consulate-, San Francisco. Mathews, Miss Harriet Lucy, First sec, FCO. Monbiot, Mrs Eleanor Ruth, For humanitarian serv, especly to refugees in Africa. Moses, Huw St John, For serv the commty, Cayman Islands. Nance, John Launcelot, Head of Educ, Br Ccl, India. Page, James Patrick (Jimmy), For serv disadvantaged children in Brazil. Phong, Huynh Thanh, For serv Brit fin serv in Vietnam. Reid, Leith Errington (Eric), For publ serv, Anguilla. Rowett, Dr John Spencer, Formerly Ch exec, Rhodes Trust. For serv UK-South African rels. Sanderson, Sir Frank Linton, Bt, For serv the Memorial to the Missing, Thiepval, France. Scoffham, Dr Ernest Rowland, For serv archture and archtural educ in Romania. Simpson, Dr Roderic Nigel Fraser, For serv environmental conservation and the lcl communities in Ecuador. Smith, Christopher, For serv educ in Germany and to UK-German rels. Spearman, Richard David, Counsellor, FCO. Thompson, Miss Jan, Counsellor, FCO. Townsend, Philip, For serv Brit educ in Indonesia. Warr, Martyn John, First sec, FCO. Weeks, Callum James, For serv good governance in Bosnia Herzegovina. Whitford, Ms Victoria Leah, Formerly First sec, Brit Embassy, Baghdad. Williams, Peter Richard Corbitt, For serv internat educ and devel. Wise, Richard Eldridge, For serv UK busnss intrsts in the USA. Woodhouse, Stephen James, For serv UNICEF.
Member (MBE)
Adam, Michael Thomas, For serv the commty, Cayman Islands. Bayly, Mrs Rina Maureen Elvira, For serv Brit educ in Peru. Arnold-Boakes, Mrs Judith, For serv the Brit commty, especly older people, in Spain. Britt, Dr Reginald Paul, For serv med res in India. Cameron, Miss Samantha Elsa, For serv hlthcare and commty devel in Madagascar. Chamberland, William Louis, For serv ex-serv men and women in Gibraltar. Charles, Ms Bernardette, Trade and Investment Adviser, Brit Consulate-Gen, Johannesburg. Chrusciak, Mark Thomas, Third sec, FCO. Cowling, Ms Sarah Louise, Head of Dance and Drama, Br Ccl HQ. Dilbert, Mrs Jennifer Pearl, Cayman Islands Govt Office Representative in the UK. Dow, Ms Elizabeth Anne, HM Consul, Lisbon. Dykes, Roy Graeme, Second sec, FCO. Gomez, Cecil William, For serv drama in Gibraltar. Goodall, Marcus Scott, For serv the history of the Second World War. Greene, Harold Maurice, For serv ex-serv men and women in Israel. Greene, Mrs Zelda Constance Gertrude, For serv ex-serv men and women in Israel. Hadley, Andrew Peter Harling, Dir, Br Ccl, Macedonia. Colburn Herculano, Mrs Gillian, Pro Consul, Brit Embassy, Lisbon. Jagers, Mrs Maryon Patricia, For serv the commty in the Netherlands and to UK-Dutch rels. James, Christopher Brian, For serv the environment, Brit busnss intrsts and the commty in Tobago. James, Sq Ldr (Rtd) Frederick Edward, For serv the commty, especly ex-serv men and women, in Ireland. Jenkins, Mrs Carola Waveney, For serv UK-Malaysian cultural rels. Lazenby, Noel, For serv the commty, especly ex-serv men and women in Ireland. Mason, Mrs Audrey Mary, For serv the Brit and lcl communities in Brazil. McPhee, George Bertram, For serv the commty, Bermuda. Oxley, Brian, For serv Salvation Army emergency relief operations worldwide. Park, The Rev Canon Dr Trevor, For serv the Commwlth commty in Norway and to UK-Norwegian rels. Phillimore, Mrs Margaret Ann, For serv the YWCA Welfare Centre and the commty in Fallingbostel, Germany. Procter, Charles Matthew Gardner, For serv disadvantaged children in Bosnia Herzegovina. Quince, Miss Pauline Anne, Third sec, FCO. Rampling, Christopher Maxwell, Formerly Second sec, Brit Embassy, Tripoli. Bryson-Richardson, Mark Edward, Second sec, Brit Embassy, Khartoum. Round, Anthony Frederick George, Chief Security Offr, Brit Embassy, Berne. Ruiz, Mrs Cheryl, For serv the Brit commty in Mexico. Severne, Antony Meysey Wigley, For serv the Brit commty, especly ex-serv men and women, on the Costa Brava, Spain. Simpson, Scott, Third sec, FCO. Smith, William George, For serv the lcl commty in the Costa Blanca, Spain. Steele, Ms Anne Louise, Formerly vice Consul, Corfu. Steele, Miss Sarah Mary Pinkerton, For serv Bible translation, literacy and commty devel in Ghana. Stockley, Dr Richard John, For serv hlthcare in Uganda. Thompson, Alan, First sec, FCO. Troupe, Mrs Penelope Evelyn, For serv the English Language Library for the Blind, France. Ulvestad, Mrs Isla Margaret, For serv UK-Norwegian rels. Wainwright, Dennis Arlen, For serv sport and the commty, Bermuda. Wayne, Ms Lucy, For serv Brit busnss intrsts in Vietnam. Williams, Andrew John, For serv disadvantaged children in Uganda. Williams, Miss Emma Jane, For serv educ and commty devel in Nigeria. Winsor, Robert Cane, For serv disabled children in Majca. Young, Capt Rodney Ian John, Master, RMS St Helena. For serv the commty, St. Helena. Zanelli, Gary Nicholas, Second sec, FCO.
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