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A fairytale wedding in Windsor: Major Thomas Crapper is a prince for a day...

... and he even manages a kiss for the cameras

Cole Moreton
Saturday 09 April 2005 19:00 EDT

The wedding was a fairytale ending to a fine romance. The groom looked dashing as he stood outside the Guildhall in Windsor yesterday afternoon; the bride was radiant. They paid no heed to the world's press, gathered in their hundreds. Nor did they care that their plans had been disrupted by the death and funeral of the Pope. Their day could not even be spoilt by the visibly heavy security presence in the town. They understood that it was necessary, for the eyes of the world were on Windsor yesterday.

Major Thomas Nigel Crapper of the Royal Signals married Deborah Jane Biltcliffe in a civil ceremony at the Guildhall. They kissed for the photographers on the steps as they emerged as man and wife.

The bride and bridegroom are both 34 years old. They were both marrying for the first time. After a hog roast supper at the Biltcliffe family home in Cookham, Berkshire, they left for a honeymoon in Rome.

The new Mrs Crapper, who has let it be known that she would prefer to be addressed as "Debs", said the couple intended to live in Bath and have what they describe as "lots of little Crappers".

There were three other weddings at the Guildhall yesterday: Mr Fraser Moores of Windsor, Berkshire, married Ms Grace Beesley; Mr James Hooper of St Albans, Herts, married Ms Nadine Hopkins; and HRH Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor, Prince of Wales, married Mrs Camilla Parker Bowles.

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