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Revenge attack victim 'will still chastise children'

Friday 19 August 1994 18:02 EDT

BARRY HAYES, who suffered severe injuries when he was attacked after reprimanding children who tampered with his car, said yesterday: 'I would do the same again - it was the way I was brought up.'

Mr Hayes, who underwent a nine-hour operation after the attack and has lost the sight of his right eye, said: 'I always chastised my children and they have never given me a ha'penny-worth of trouble.'

The 49-year-old builder, who is recovering in a Liverpool hospital from the injuries he suffered nine days ago, added: 'I sincerely hope that if one good thing comes from this incident, it is that, seeing the public outrage, our politicians take note of it.

'I hope they do something positive to protect the law- abiding majority from the small number of thugs who are causing many people to despair about society.

'It isn't just the vulnerable people, the old or very young, who now fear to walk the streets. Many who wrote to me expressing their support are worried about the future and what it holds for their children. Quite a number recognise a lack of parental control is contributing to the problem.

'Parents need to be responsible and show a good example.'

The assault came after he told off four boys in a pub car park. Minutes later, one of the boys returned with a man who attacked Mr Hayes, of Grassendale, south Liverpool, beating him savagely.

(Photograph omitted)

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