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The SNP has won its first election in England - in a primary school


Doug Bolton
Tuesday 12 May 2015 10:20 EDT
Leader of the SNP Nicola Sturgeon celebrates during the Glasgow declarations on May 8, 2015 in Glasgow, Scotland.
Leader of the SNP Nicola Sturgeon celebrates during the Glasgow declarations on May 8, 2015 in Glasgow, Scotland. ((Photo by Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images))

In a shocking turn of events, the Scottish National Party has won its first ever election in England.

Unfortunately for the party, it wasn't in a by-election or local council race, but in a mock election held by a class of Year 5 pupils at Peterhouse Primary Academy in Gorleston, Great Yarmouth.

Pupils took on roles as party leaders and supporters, in an election campaign that saw the walls of the school corridors plastered with party political posters.

Each party leader took it upon themselves to research their party's education policies, which they presented to the whole school in assembly.

The election was then held, with the SNP claiming an historic victory.

10-year old Emily Stonehouse was the winning leader, along with her deputy, Keegan King. She told the Great Yarmouth Mercury she was "overjoyed" at her party's victory.

Also standing were Danny Docwra, 9, for the Conservatives, Connor Dutton, 10, for the Green Party, Travis Trussler, 10, for Ukip, Charlie Jordan, 10, for Labour, and Riley Coe, 10, for the Liberal Democrats.

Eastern England proved to be fertile ground for Ukip at the election - they increased their vote share in the region by 12.2 per cent compared to the last election. But the draw of the SNP's socially progressive education policies must have swung the underage voters.

The election win may tempt SNP strategists to think more about fielding candidates in England - after all, a YouGov poll from April showed that 11 per cent of voters across Britain would vote for the SNP if they stood candidates in other parts of the UK, putting them well ahead of the Lib Dems and almost on a level with Ukip.

However, Nicola Sturgeon has ruled out standing SNP candidates outside of Scotland, so the Peterhouse Primary win will have to do for now.

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