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Parliamentary Questions - Written Replies

Thursday 09 July 1992 18:02 EDT

GOEBBELS DIARIES: The Attorney General last night invited anyone with evidence of a breach of the Race Relations Act by David Irving, the right- wing historian involved in the Goebbels diaries, to pass it to the police.

Sir Nicholas Lyell was asked by Glenda Jackson (Lab Hampstead and Highgate) about prosecuting Mr Irving over 'the organisation of revisionist seminars describing the holocaust as a liberal myth'.

Sir Nicholas replied: 'The Director of Public Prosecutions is not directly giving consideration to any proceedings against David Irving. Anyone who has evidence giving reasonable ground to believe that an offence has been committed should report it to the police.'

The main business in Parliament next week includes:

MONDAY: Commons - Questions to National Heritage Secretary and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster; Debate on report of select committee on sittings of the House; Debate on select committees nominations. Lords: British Coal and British Rail (Transfer Proposals) Bill, second reading; Companies (Single Member Private Limited Companies) Regulations; Parole Board (Transfer of Functions) Order; River Usk Barrage Bill, second reading; Debate on building fire safety rules.

TUESDAY: Commons - Health questions; Questions to the Prime Minister; Sea Fish (Conservation) Bill, remaining stages; Badgers Bill, all stages; Trade Union and Labour Relations Bill, all stages; Tribunals and Inquiries Bill, all stages; Debate on MPs' office costs allowance. Lords: Finance Bill, all stages; Debate on EC report on Community enlargement; Summer Time Order; Debate on protection against discrimination for UK ethnic minorities in EC.

WEDNESDAY: Commons - Environment questions; Human Fertilisation and Embryology (Disclosure of Information) Bill, all stages; Education (Assisted Places) (Amendment) Regulations; VAT orders. Lords - Debates on industrial policy and the famine threat in southern Africa; Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill, report; Debate on recruitment policies of People's Dispensary for Sick Animals.

THURSDAY: Commons - Short backbench debates. Lords: Boundary Commissions Bill, second reading; Child Support orders; Council Tax Benefit (General) Regulations; Horticultural Development Council (Amendment) Order; Data Protection (Regulation of Financial Services) (Subject Access Exemption) (Amendment) Order; Access to Personal Files (Housing) (Scotland) Regulations; Education (Assisted Places) (Amendment) Regulation; Debate on aid and arms sales to Indonesia and human rights in East Timor.

Today's business

Commons: Debate import and disposal of toxic waste in Wales, opened by Labour's Paul Murphy (Torfaen). Debate on Government social policies on Merseyside, opened by Labour's George Howarth (Knowsley N).

Lords: Not sitting.

Both Houses rise on Thursday, for the summer recess, returning on Monday 19 October.

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