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Department for Communities and Local Government steps up transparency


Gavin Cordon
Wednesday 15 August 2012 02:33 EDT

The Department for Communities and Local Government has become the first Whitehall department to publish details of all spending of more than £250.

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said the decision to post the information online was a mark of his department's commitment to transparency, accountability and openness.

Since 2010, the department has been releasing details on all spending of more than £500, in line with the requirement on councils.

"The transparency revolution is far from over. Local government and Whitehall can go further in reducing waste," Mr Pickles said.

"I firmly believe the more open we are about spending the more we can root out waste, avoid duplication and increase value for money for taxpayers.

"Our quest for greater transparency has led us to set a new marker in the sand."


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