Business minister leaving Government for G20 role
Business minister Baroness Vadera is to leave the Government, Gordon Brown said today.
The Prime Minister, attending the United Nations in New York, said she would take on a new role working on the handover next year of Britain's G20 presidency to South Korea.
Her responsibilities will be taken over by the Trade Minister Lord Davies.
Mr Brown told reporters he had specifically asked Lady Vadera to take on her new role.
"Her expertise is such that there is no one better to do this job," he said.
Mr Brown said: "Shriti Vadera, to the benefit of Britain, is joining the G20 presidencies.
"What we are trying to do is to create a new system of international economic co-operation around the world.
"It's never really happened before. We've had the G8, we've had all these organisations - we've got this one chance to make a huge success of international economic cooperation.
"Everybody knows we succeeded (at the G20 summit) in London, everybody knows this is an important meeting in Pittsburgh.
"I've asked Shriti Vadera, who is one of our great ministers, to work with the G20 presidencies - South Korea next year and perhaps another country the year after - so that Britain, South Korea and that other country can plan the G20s most effectively.
"We need one of our best ministers to do it. She has got the international experience to do so, and I'm pleased that she has accepted my invitation to take this job and she will be working with the G20 presidencies over the next year."
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