Remain would win second Brexit referendum but no-deal would get more votes than Theresa May’s deal, poll indicates
Survey comes as expectations of Final Say vote grow
Nearly two-thirds of people would vote to remain in the EU rather than for Theresa May’s deal if a referendum offering those options were called, a snap poll by YouGov has found.
Sixty-one per cent of the population would vote to remain while 39 per cent would opt for the existing deal,
However, if people were asked in a public vote whether they would prefer to remain in the EU or leave with no deal in place, Remain would still win, though by the smaller margin of 57-43 per cent.
It shows a 22-point lead for Remain over Ms May’s deal, or a 14-point lead for Remain over no deal at all.
The poll, carried out on behalf of the Put it to the People campaign, comes as second referendum expectations have risen.
YouGov reported that an earlier poll, carried out on 27 and 28 February, found 19 per cent of people thought a second referendum was the most likely eventual Brexit outcome, but this figure has now risen to 28 per cent.
Over the same time period, the proportion of people expecting some form of deal to be passed in parliament has dropped from 31 per cent to 18 per cent, while those who expect a no-deal Brexit has risen slightly (from 24 per cent to 26 per cent).
A march in support of a Final Say second referendum takes place on in central London on Saturday and is expected to attract hundreds of thousands of protesters. Meanwhile a “Leave means Leave” protest, also known as the “Brexit betrayal march”, is underway with Brexit supporters walking for two weeks from Sunderland to London demanding the UK leaves the EU on 29 March.
2nd referendum voting intentions
Remain vs government deal:
Remain: 61%
Government deal: 39%
Remain vs no deal
Remain: 57%
No deal: 43%
Source: YouGov/Put it to the People
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