Landlords in Theresa May's constituency threaten to ban her from every pub
‘This seems to be the only way she’ll get the message’

Theresa May could be banned from every pub in her constituency following anger from bar owners over police cuts.
Landlords have reportedly banded together to keep the Prime Minister away from all licensed venues in Maidenhead after she slashed police budgets by £413m in the last 12 months.
The group said it could now take up to one hour for police to respond to incidents at their pubs, which endangered their staff and customers.
The town’s Pub Watch, a group which normally deals with troublemakers, will reportedly table a call to ban Ms May at this week’s meeting.
David Kimber, manager of the Off the Tap pub, told The Mirror: “This seems to be the only way she’ll get the message.”
He added that there were very few officers at the weekends.
“It takes half an hour minimum for them [police] to arrive but we’ve waited an hour before,” he told the newspaper.
“It’s not much use after a fight has broken out.”
Ms May could not be immediately reached for comment.
The Prime Minister, who has been an MP for the Berkshire constituency since 1997, faced further humiliation during the June election when she was forced to stand beside independent candidate, Lord Buckethead.
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