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Protesters to target spiralling rail fares

Kunal Dutta
Monday 04 April 2011 19:00 EDT

Rising rail fares are set to become the latest target for direct action, after news that ticket prices are expected to increase almost four times faster than wages next year.

Rail fares will rise by an average of 8 per cent in 2012, according to the Campaign for Better Transport. Latest forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility suggest average earnings for 2012 will increase by 2.2 per cent in comparison.

There is growing anger over the rising cost of train travel in Britain, which is now the most expensive in Europe. Commuters travelling between Paris and Chartres, a journey of about 50 miles, would pay around £2,752 a year. In contrast, an annual season ticket between Swindon and London now costs more than £7,000 a year.

One demonstration, spearheaded by Climate Rush, will see protesters assemble in London's Monument station on 16 April and board a train, paying just a third of the rail fare, and disembarking after 30 miles.

Organisers, who hope to attract about 500 protesters, have not discounted the possibility of clashes with station authorities and police.

Another demonstration, planned six days earlier, will see smaller groups of activists occupy at least 15 stations across the country for "stitch-ins" or sewing sit-ins .

The increase in rail fares at the start of this year led to a number of MPs signing a parliamentary motion calling for a closer assessment of the issue.

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