Mr Cannabis guilty of possessing drugs
A shopkeeper who changed his name to Free Rob Cannabis was yesterday found guilty of growing cannabis plants and possessing a range of drugs including LSD and ecstasy.
A shopkeeper who changed his name to Free Rob Cannabis was yesterday found guilty of growing cannabis plants and possessing a range of drugs including LSD and ecstasy.
Cannabis, 33, of Glastonbury, Somerset, denied possessing all the substances, which were found by police in his shop and house.
Defending himself, Cannabis told Taunton Crown Court that he was a shaman and had an allegiance to the Hindu god of cannabis Lord Shiva. He said he had a right to grow and use cannabis under Article Nine of the European Convention of European Rights, which gives people the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. The convention has now been incorporated into English law.
The jury found Cannabis guilty of one count of producing cannabis, one count of possessing cannabis, and three counts of possessing the Class A drugs ecstasy, LSD and DMT. He was also found guilty of one count of possessing cannabis with intent to supply. He was found not guilty of one count of possessing magic mushrooms, at the judge's direction.
Cannabis assumed his name to draw attention to his belief that it should not be unlawful to cultivate and use cannabis.
He told the court: "I believe I have the birthright to cultivate and use the cannabis plant for all its uses. I have used all the substances listed, with the possible exception of the MDMA (ecstasy), in a shamanic way."
He asserted that the Misuse of Drugs Act contravened his human rights. Outside court he said: "I may well decide to appeal to a higher court where human rights are regarded."
Judge O'Malley deferred sentence for a report.
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