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Leeds players' assault trial will be in Hull

Wednesday 18 October 2000 19:00 EDT

The trial of three Leeds United footballers charged with assaulting a student will take place in Hull instead of Sheffield, a judge ruled yesterday.

The trial of three Leeds United footballers charged with assaulting a student will take place in Hull instead of Sheffield, a judge ruled yesterday.

At the High Court in London, Mr Justice Henriques also brought forward the trialto next January.

Lee Bowyer, 23, Jonathan Woodgate, 20, and Tony Hackworth, 20, deny causing grievous bodily harm with intent to Sarfraz Najeib, 19, in Leeds in January. All three also deny affray. Mr Woodgate also denies conspiracy to pervert justice.

A fourth Leeds United player, Michael Duberry, 24, is charged with conspiracy to pervert justice, and Neal Caveney, 21, and Paul Clifford, 21, both from Middlesbrough, deny causing grievous bodily harm with intent, affray and conspiracy to pervert justice.

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