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Three quarters admit they do not have their ‘dream kitchen' in new survey

Most would hope for a freestanding island, sleek pull-out cabinets and smart dishwasher

Richard Jenkins
Friday 12 October 2018 13:58 EDT
Homeowners generally preferred a modern look to traditional kitchen styles, according to the poll
Homeowners generally preferred a modern look to traditional kitchen styles, according to the poll (Rex Features)

The average "dream kitchen" would include a freestanding island, a smart dishwasher and a flat screen TV to watch while doing the washing up, according to a new survey.

One third of the 2,000 people polled said they would love a breakfast bar and sleek pull-out cabinets were a must for 41 per cent.

It also emerged the minimalist look appealed to many, with a further three in 10 wanting a slide and hide oven, while 18 per cent were hankering after a pop-up cooker hood.

One in four said they would also love a specialist wine fridge, a third wanted heated flooring and 49 per cent wanted more natural light.

“The kitchen is the heart of the home for millions so it makes sense that there is a strong desire to make it the dream space, whether that’s with an ultra-modern look, traditional country style or handcrafted wood effect," said Mike Lavers of B&Q which carried out the poll. “However, we’ve found people are overestimating the cost and don’t realise it is more affordable than they think – especially with everyday low prices, which we consistently offer customers.”

The study also found 40 per cent of respondents would make sure their dream kitchen had a double sink and stylish granite worktops were the material of choice for most people.

However, 75 per cent admitted they did not currently have their "dream kitchen" and more people daydreamed about the perfect kitchen than the perfect bedroom.

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Half agreed the kitchen is the heart of their home and one in three had plans to do some kitchen upgrades in the near future.

When it came to kitchen inspiration, three in 10 got their inspiration from the internet, a quarter from home improvement TV shows and 29 per cent from walking around kitchen shops.

One in four people (27 per cent) said it had been over 10 years since their kitchen had been updated, suggesting there are many kitchens waiting for some love, while 28 per cent of respondents admitted going into their current drab kitchen actively made them feel "sad".


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