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Timeline - Simon Harwood case


Paul Peachey
Thursday 19 July 2012 11:45 EDT

1995: Simon Harwood joins the Metropolitan Police

March, 24, 1997 - First of ten complaints in 12 years against PC Harwood while he is a serving police officer.

August 1998 - Pc Harwood is involved in a motorcycle accident while off-duty.

February 1999 - He is placed on restricted duties because of his injuries.

April 7, 2000 - Involved in road rage incident when he is accused of rushing another driver after a collision and forcing him over the car door.

August 1, 2001 - A police commander concludes that the "behaviour of PC Harwood has fallen well below that expected of a police officer and has exposed the Commissioner to the risk of civil litigation."

August 14/15 - Harwood puts in papers to resign on medical grounds and 30-day release period is started.

August 17, 2001 - Disciplinary papers are sent in over the road rage incident and he faces internal charges of unlawful arrest, abuse of authority and discreditable conduct

Friday 14 September 2001 - Pc Harwood leaves the force as a serving police constable.

Monday 17, September, 2001 - Starts work as civilian member of staff of the Metropolitan Police.

12 April 2003: He applies to join Surrey as police officer.

January 2004: Goes with officers to flat and is accused by a fellow officer of grabbing a suspect's throat and punching the suspect during a theft inquiry.

February 18, 2004 - he applies for transfer to the Met out of Surrey.

May 27, 2004 - An inspector writes an email which says that the complaint against PC Harwood is unsubstantiated.

May 2005 - Witness makes complaint over arrest of man in south London by PC Harwood. The witness says he saw him knee the prone and handcuffed suspect on the floor.

January 2006 - An allegation of misconduct against Pc Harwood during an arrest and allegations of racial abuse. The complaint ends by way of "local resolution".

October 16, 2008 - PC Harwood uses police national computer after an accident involving his wife. He admits wrongdoing and is given a written warning.

Nov 2008 - He is involved in stopping the vehicle of AA patrolman Junior Samms, which leads to a complaint from him.

April 1, 2009 - He shoves Ian Tomlinson at G20 protest.

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