Man accused of far-right terror plot to kill solicitor at law firm that represented migrants
Cavan Medlock allegedly entered offices with a knife, handcuffs and Nazi flags

An alleged far-right extremist has been charged with attempting to launch a terror attack at a solicitors' firm in London.
Cavan Medlock, 28, is accused of planning to kill a lawyer from Duncan Lewis Solicitors because of their work representing migrants.
The Old Bailey heard he arrived at the firm’s offices in Harrow on 7 September armed with a knife, handcuffs, a Nazi flag and a US Confederate flag.
Prosecutor Adam Harbinson told the court he brandished a knife and “demanded to see a named member of staff”, before threatening to kill the man because of his involvement with immigration cases.
He said Mr Medlock appeared to be motivated by “the firm’s involvement in preventing the government from deporting people who had come into the country unlawfully”.
Mr Harbinson said the defendant is accused of adhering to extreme right-wing ideology.
Mr Medlock was to appear in court via video link from prison on Friday, but a judge told the hearing that he was “regarded as having deliberately absented himself”.
“He came onto the video link and started taking his clothes off and refused to put them back on again, so hence we have lost the video link,” Mr Justice Sweeney said.
Mr Medlock is charged with preparing for an act of terrorism by researching Duncan Lewis Solicitors and allegedly plotting to kill a lawyer.
He is also charged with threatening a person with a large knife in a public place, assault by beating, making a threat to kill, and two counts of causing racially-aggravated alarm, harassment or distress to different members of staff.
The defendant not asked to enter pleas to the charges and was remanded in custody ahead of a plea and case management hearing to be held in December or January. A provisional trial date has been set for 17 May 2021.