Parents holding beside vigil for shot girl
Thursha Kamaleswaran's parents were holding a bedside vigil today as the youngster fights to recover from her critical injuries, a close family friend said.
Velluppillai Navaratnam, 49, from Croydon, south London, said friends and family members were praying for her recovery.
"I would like to say that it has been a very difficult time for family and friends," he told reporters at the scene of the shooting.
"The parents of Thursha are at the hospital now. We are all praying for her to get well soon."
Police said both the five-year-old and 35-year-old Roshan Selvakumar, who was also hit, had family members at their bedside.
"Although their injuries are very serious, they are both under the circumstances doing well," Detective Chief Inspector Tony Boughton said.
"This was a traumatic experience for both the victims and Thursha's family."