Neo-Nazi with swastika boxer shorts jailed for stirring up racial hatred
'Committed' Nathan Worrell was previously jailed for hate campaign against interracial couple

A neo-Nazi who owned boxer shorts and other clothing emblazoned with swastikas, has been jailed for stirring up racial hatred.
Nathan Worrell was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison after police found a stash of extreme right-wing memorabilia and stickers at his home in Grimsby.
The 46-year-old also owned shirts, jumpers and boxer shorts emblazoned with Nazi swastikas and emblems, prosecutors said.
Grimsby Crown Court heard that his home was “full of Nazi propaganda and paraphernalia”, including flags and fridge magnets.
Worrell is believed to have spread stickers displaying white supremacist slogans including “diversity is white genocide” and “white power Combat 18” – referencing a neo-Nazi street-fighting group – around the town in 2017 and 2018.
Prosecutors said designs for the stickers were found on the unemployed defendant’s laptop and mobile phone.
They added that his fingerprints were found on two stickers displayed in Grimsby and his internet search history included looking for “white supremacy fliers to download”.
The prosecution he had stirred up racial hatred by publishing, distributing and displaying the racist stickers on lamp posts, signs and notice boards.
They said the material was threatening and Worrell’s intention was to stir up racial hatred around rhe northeast town.
Worrell was arrested in November 2017 but denied having done anything wrong.
Now he has been found guilty of eight counts of possessing material likely to stir up racial hatred, under the Public Order Act.
“Worrell is a committed neo-Nazi with a hatred of people who are not white," said Jenny Hopkins, of the Crown Prosecution Service. "From the time he gets up to the time he goes to bed, he surrounds himself with images of Hitler, the SS and the Third Reich. The CPS will prosecute right-wing extremists who stir up racial hatred in communities and help keep the public safe.”
He had previously been jailed for waging a campaign of hate and threats towards a interracial couple, and collecting bomb manuals and chemicals.
Worrell had also used racist stickers and Combat 18 propaganda in that campaign, calling a woman a “race-mixing slut” and demanding the “repatriation” of non-whites.
He was jailed for seven years and three months in 2008 for racially aggravated harassment and possessing terrorist material.
Detective Chief Superintendent Martin, the Head of Counter Terrorism Policing North East, said Worrell “has not learnt or changed his behaviour”.
He said: “By obtaining and distributing these hateful messages Worrell is inciting hatred, potentially threatening public safety and security as well as the stability of the local community. We will not tolerate any action which attempts to undermine or divide our communities and will continue to work to counteract the intentions of individuals who seek to do this.
“The CT network, in conjunction with local police forces, works hard to identify and arrest and bring to justice anyone espousing hatred and extremism.”
The sentencing came as the Home Office revealed the latest figures on terror arrests in Britain.
There were 266 arrests for terrorism-related activity in the year to June, down 25 per cent on previous year.
The largest group of suspects – 45 per cent - were white, followed by 35 per cent Asian, 10 per cent black and 11 per cent of arrests “other” ethnicity.
Of the 281 terrorist prisoners in custody, 171 (78 per cent) were Islamists and 33 (15 per cent) far-right - a record number.
There were falls in the number of arrests across all ethnic groups, continuing a trend in overall decreases since the waves of arrests following the 2017 terror attacks and operations against National Action.