MP Sadiq Khan may face police inquiry over claims he used his phone at the wheel of his car
A Conservative MP contacted the police to report Mr Khan
Shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan may face a police investigation after he was photographed allegedly using his mobile phone at the wheel of his car.
Conservative MP Justin Tomlinson reported the Labour frontbencher to the police after the photographs were published on the Guido Fawkes website.
The images appear to show the former transport minister and MP for Tooting with a phone in his hand behind the wheel of his Volkswagen car in London on Monday.
The allegations come after the MP, who is thought likely to seek nomination for London Mayor in 2016, was given a national award by a road safety charity Brake earlier this year. According to its website, Mr Khan was praised “for his commitment to increasing the number of 20mph speed limits in his constituency."
In a letter accompanied by the photographs to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Tory MP for North Swindon demanded an investigation be launched into the alleged incident.
“Those who make the laws should certainly not be above them,” he wrote.
“I would be very grateful if you could investigate this further - road safety is a serious issue and those who make the laws should certainly not be above them," he added.
Responding to the claims, Mr Khan said “Allegations have been made that earlier this week, I was seen glancing down at my phone whilst in my car.
“I understand from media reports that a Conservative MP has reported this matter to the Metropolitan Police.
“It goes without saying that I will co-operate fully with any investigation."
A Metropolitan Police spokeswoman confirmed that the force had received Mr Tomlinson's complaint and said it is “assessing its content.”