Man charged with murder of wife and 12-year-old daughter after bodies found at Suffolk house
Jillu Nash, 43, and daughter Louise, were discovered dead at their home in Great Waldingfield

A man has been charged with the murder of his wife and 12-year-old daughter, who were found dead at their home in Suffolk.
The bodies of Jillu Nash, 43, and her daughter Louise were discovered at a property in Heath Estate, Great Waldingfield, Sudbury, on 8 September.
Police said a post-morterm examination concluded Ms Nash’s cause of death was pressure on the neck while the 12-year-old girl was killed by a stab wound to the abdomen.
A 46-year-old man was arrested by officers at the scene of their deaths and taken to hospital for treatment to serious injuries.
Suffolk Police said he was transferred to Martlesham Police Investigation Centre for questioning on Saturday evening.
In an update on Sunday, the force said Peter Nash, of Heath Estate, Great Waldingfield, had been charged with two counts of murder and is due to appear before Ipswich Magistrates’ Court on Monday.
An inquest into the deaths, which opened on 7 October, heard the property was the home address of Jillu and Peter Nash who were husband and wife and lived at the property with their 12-year-old daughter Louise who had “severe learning difficulties”.
Ms Nash’s parents have spoken of “utter devastation” at their deaths and said they “our daughter and granddaughter touched the hearts of so many”.