Boys aged six and seven vandalise cemetery
Two boys aged six and seven have been reprimanded by police for causing damage to gravestones at a cemetery, police said today.
An alarmed member of the public dialled 999 after witnessing the boys vandalising graves at Posbrook Lane cemetery in Titchfield, Hants, at 6pm on Tuesday.
The boys tore up wooden crosses, smashed a headstone and threw flowers around.
The boys have not been charged in connection with the attack as they are under 10, the age of criminal consent.
A Hampshire police spokesman said: "The two local boys, who are under the age of criminal consent, were reprimanded by officers, who also spoke to their parents and provided support and advice to the families, to ensure further inappropriate behaviour would not be repeated."
The parents have since ordered the boys to clean up as much of the mess as possible.