Birmingham teacher arrested after ‘sexually assaulting four different girls’
The 28-year-old man has been suspended by the school and remains in police custody

A teacher has been arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting four different girls.
The 28-year-old man from Birmingham was first arrested on Monday but was rearrested at his home on Saturday morning.
West Midlands Police are investigating sexual assaults on four different girls and allegations he sent indecent images of himself. He has been suspended by the school and remains in police custody.
In a statement, the force said: “We’re investigating sexual assault accusations against a teacher at a Birmingham school.
“It’s alleged the 28-year-old man assaulted four different girls and sent indecent images of himself.
“He was initially arrested on May 9 on suspicion of sexual assault and released on police bail with conditions including not to have unsupervised contact with children.
“However, we moved to arrest the man again in the early hours of this morning (Saturday) at his home in Birmingham having received additional information.
“He remains in police custody for questioning.”
Specially trained officers are supporting pupils at the school to ensure safeguarding is in place while the investigation is ongoing, police said.