BBC Rogue Traders presenter Dan Penteado admits £24,000 council tax and benefit fraud
He spends his time on screen chasing down bogus workmen on behalf of ripped-off customers, but today Rogue Traders' Dan Penteado was facing up to allegations against him as he pleaded guilty to council tax and housing benefit fraud that amounted to £24,000.
40-year-old Penteado from Bournemouth, who co-hosts the BBC programme with Matt Allwright, admitted eight offences of dishonestly or knowingly claiming the benefits while not declaring he earned thousands from the BBC for the show, during a hearing at Bournemouth Magistrates' Court today.
He was warned he could face jail and was granted bail while a pre-sentence report is prepared.
According to the Daily Telegraph, Johanne McNamara, prosecuting for Bournemouth Borough Council, told magistrates last week that Penteado stated he was a student in order to claim benefits from 2008 to 2012, during which time he was employed on the programme - earning more than £16,000 in 2008. Miss McNamara said that he had been overpaid £24,077.60 in housing and council tax benefit that he would not have been entitled to if he declared his BBC work.
Known for his television persona as Allwright's motorbike-riding sidekick on Rogue Traders and Watchdog, the Portuguese-born presenter also works as a private investigator.
The case has been adjourned until 17 July.