Stalker who shared revenge porn of his ex tried to win her back with pictures of laundry
The woman finally escaped the clutches of Anhar Hussain who had locked her in his house, set her clothes on fire, and sent sexual pictures of her to her religious family

A violent stalker who called his ex-girlfriend 700 times a day tried to entice her back by sending her pictures of him crying, tidying the house and doing the laundry.
The woman finally escaped the clutches of Anhar Hussain who had locked her in his house, set her clothes on fire, sent sexual pictures of her to her religious family and verbally and physically abused her.
But her ordeal was just beginning as the 23-year-old began bombarding her with calls and on one occasion he wrote his car off reversing it into hers multiple times in a car park.
And despite being bailed twice, he continued his campaign to terrify the woman.
He kept the victim locked in the property whenever he went out and tracked her through a video doorbell.
After the victim, who is in her 20s, fled the Romford address, Hussain began calling her over 700 times a day, many times in a single minute.
And in an attempt to entice her back he would send photographs of himself doing domestic chores.
On the day she escaped, Hussain threw her clothes out of the flat, went outside, then set them on fire.
She tried to retrieve the clothes but Hussain lifted her up and attempted to force her inside his car. She shouted loudly and he dropped her, allowing her to run away.
Eventually she moved to another address, which is when the incessant phone calls began.
Some were overheard by a friend - in one he threatened to throw a brick at the her mother’s house.
Hussain called in the middle of the night to find out where she was living, telling her he was parked outside and if she didn’t come out he would start hurting other people.
When the images of him weeping and doing laundry did not bring her back, he started stalking her.
After the relationship ended, he met her to return her belongings.
But Hussain became enraged when the victim’s phone connected to his car Bluetooth and he heard a male voice on the line.
Several times he reversed his vehicle at speed into hers in a public car park, writing it off and getting himself disqualified from driving.
Hussain began abusing his victim less than a year after they began a relationship in 2020.
It went downhill in March 2021 and after a heated argument Hussain posted nude photos of the victim online and sent them to her family, sparking outrage between Hussain, the victim and her family due to their cultural and personal beliefs.
In April 2021 the stalker created a fake social media account under the victim’s name and began speaking to her family, who she was no longer in contact with.
As a result of Hussain’s actions, the woman was told to leave her family home. She moved to Romford with him, where he drastically increased his abusive and controlling behaviour.
The victim did not find out about his conversations with his family posing as her until April 2022, a year later, when she spoke to her mother.
She was forced to live in the house where Hussain would shout and scream into her face, throw household objects at her including a laptop, punch walls near here, and pull and push her about the house and throw her onto the sofa.
While surviving the abuse the victim’s relationship with her friends and family were destroyed and her ability to work and financial prospects have been damaged.
But the hardest part for her had been moving on with life.
The stalker from Review Road, Dagenham pleaded guilty to arson, harassment with fear of violence, dangerous driving, and driving while disqualified and without insurance at Snaresbrook Crown Court.
He has been remanded in custody and on Monday December 19 will be sentenced at the same court.
The investigating officer PC Cathleeya Kittisara, from East Area BCU, said: “The victim in this case has showed sheer courage and unwavering strength throughout the past six months.
“I have the utmost respect for her and appreciate the patience and the support she has given police during this protracted enquiry.
“She has moved from her position of loss of faith, to now attempting to move on, with her perpetrator no longer harming her.
“Having been bailed twice, he showed no regard for our justice system and continued to harass, threaten and cause distress to the victim in every possible way.
“It has undoubtedly been a huge challenge for her, facing turmoil in her relationships with her family, whilst all the while being tortured physically and emotionally, and in fear for her life.
“Victim care is crucial not only to domestic cases in general, but individually to each person ensuring their needs are understood and catered for.
“Trust was initially very hard to gain from the victim.
“However as she saw what we were doing and everything was explained to her step by step, she slowly revealed more of herself and began to trust in police.
“It has been a privilege to witness a victim of domestic abuse continue to live her life and not let past events destroy her present or dictate her future.
“Having the ability to present mobile phone data to the Crown Prosecution Service in a format that’s easily understood by all is a game changer.”
It was the first time Detectives from East Area Basic Command Unit (BCU) used analytical software mapping out phone signals in a stalking case.
Using other communications and travel data allowed detectives to map out deduce the patterns of Hussain’s stalking.
Officers were then able to rapidly evidence his coercive behaviour between April and June 2022.