19 more hospitals to be investigated as part of Savile probe

A further 19 hospitals are to have their links with disgraced television presenter Jimmy Savile investigated, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said today.
In a written ministerial statement, Mr Hunt said the hospitals will be scrutinised by their local health trusts, with each investigation “properly monitored” by independent bodies and the final reports delivered next June.
The 19 new inquiries are in addition to an initial 13 investigations into hospitals which are believed to have been visited by the disgraced television presenter. Savile is thought to have used his position to abuse vulnerable patients, many of them children.
After details of the abuse first emerged, three major investigations were launched at Leeds General Infirmary, Stoke Mandeville Hospital and Broadmoor Hospital. Further investigations were later announced at another 10 hospitals.
The 19 additional hospitals under investigation are:
:: Barnet General Hospital
:: Booth Hall Children's Hospital
:: De La Pole Hospital
:: Dryburn Hospital
:: Hammersmith Hospital
:: Leavesden Secure Mental Hospital
:: Marsden Hospital
:: Maudsley Hospital
:: North Manchester General Hospital
:: Odstock Hospital
:: Pinderfields Hospital
:: Prestwich Psychiatric Hospital
:: Queen Victoria Hospital, East Grinstead
:: Royal Free Hospital, London
:: Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle
:: Seacroft Hospital, Leeds
:: St Mary's Hospital, Carshalton
:: Whitby Memorial Hospital
:: Wythenshawe Hospital