The 5-minute Interview: Phill Jupitus, Comedian and broadcaster
'My food diary helps me avoid moments of weakness'
Phill Jupitus, 45, has been performing for more 20 years. After making his name as Porky the Poet, he has since hosted a radio show on BBC6, and appeared as a regular panellist on "Never Mind the Buzzcocks" and "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue".
If I weren't talking to you right now I'd be...
In a taxi, getting my laptop out and going through my food diary. I've started keeping an eye on what I'm eating.
A phrase I use far too often...
Is not a phrase, it's the word "ostensibly". I've been in the habit of using it for about 10 years now. I really like the sound of it and it makes me sound cleverer than I actually am.
I wish people would take more notice of...
Recycling. I've realised fairly recently how easy a thing it is to do, and more people ought to be doing it. I remember going to Germany years ago, and wondering what they had all those different bins for. The Germans have been doing it for ages. I don't understand why we were so behind.
The most surprising thing that happened to me was...
Being on a TV programme for the past 10 years. I find it a source of constant amazement that it's still going. It makes me think that I must have been doing something right.
A common misperception of me is....
That I know a great deal about music. Most people think it, probably because I was in a pop quiz. But really, I don't know all that much.
I am not a politician but...
If I was one, I'd renationalise water, gas and electricity and I'd improve healthcare and education. Private bodies only care about making profits for themselves.
I'm good at...
Speaking in public. I can go into a room full of people and just talk to them. For some reason, I've always found that really easy to do.
I'm very bad at...
Making decisions any kind of decision. There are always so many different sides to everything, and I find it really hard to settle on any one thing.
The ideal night out is ...
Getting Italian food, going to a really good gig, and then taking a boat ride home.
In moments of weakness I...
Eat. That's also why I've started keeping a food diary. It's been helping me avoid such moments of weakness.
You know me as a comedian but in another life I'd have been ...
An illustrator. Perhaps I'd draw newspaper comic strips, or maybe cheeky illustrations for a magazine.
The best age to be is...
The age I am now. I'm happy to be here, happy to still be around.
In a nutshell, my philosophy is this:
Have a go at everything. Try everything once, and if you like it, try it again. Don't be afraid of newness life's too short.
Vidisha Biswas
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