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The 5-minute Interview: DJ Yoda, musician

'I met George Lucas, but he didn't seem overwhelmed'

Thursday 15 May 2008 19:00 EDT

The award-winning turn-tabalist DJ Yoda (aka Duncan Beiny), 30, is best-known for his surreal, often comic, hip-hop mixes. 'Q' magazine has nominated him for its best urban DJ award. His new single, 'Playing Around', featuring the Jungle Brothers, is available now. He'll also be performing in the SoCo Social tent at Rock Ness Festival, June 7-8 - for more details visit

If I weren't talking to you right now I'd be...

Scratching DVDs of football. I'm working on a video mix for the Champions League Final even though I know absolutely nothing about football.

A phrase I use far too often...

"Can I get that on DVD?"

I wish people would take more notice of...

Biz Markie. He's such a great, old-school rapper.

The most surprising thing to happen to me was...

I performed in front of George Lucas when I headlined at a Star Wars premiere. I met him but he didn't seem all that overwhelmed to meet me.

A common misconception about me is...

That all I do is mix and cut 1980s pop. I suppose The 80s Edition is one of the most popular CDs in the eyes of most of my fans but I mix a real variety of musical styles. I use underground rap, soul, drum and bass, TV themes, country, reggae and even nursery rhymes.

I am not a politician but...

I would find a better way to do most things. Especially when it comesto trafficwardens.

I'm good at...

This may come as a surprise but I'm pretty good at bikram yoga. It's just yoga done in a hot room.

I'm bad at...

Remembering things. I'm also bad at maths and just generally dealing with my money.

The ideal night out is...

An amazing film, a great meal with my girlfriend.

In weak moments...

I hide away with my music.

You know me as a DJ but in a truer life I would have been...

I tried to break into the film industry [when] DJing was a hobby; but it never really worked out.

The best age to be is...

My age is pretty good. I'm having a lot of good times.

My philosophy in a nutshell is...

Have as much fun as you can and be nice to people.

Charlotte Buckland

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