The 5-Minute Interview: Dave Gorman, Comedian and writer
'I'm not a stand-up comedian, just an idiot who tells stories'
Dave Gorman, 35, created the stage show and the book entitled 'Googlewhack Adventure'. His series on BBC 2, 'The Dave Gorman Collection', will be released on DVD on Monday, available online at
If I weren't talking to you right now I'd be...
Writing a book. It's about a road trip I made last year around America.
A phrase I use far too often is...
Heigh ho. I think I got it from my mum.
I wish people would take more notice of...
Other people. Litter is one of those things that annoys the hell out of me. I'm becoming my father completely. I once nearly got into a fight because this guy dropped a kebab out of his car on to the street. I put it back through the window of his car. He was so shocked he didn't know quite what to do. It starts with a lack of concern for other people. It does matter - this is our environment. If you thought for one moment about other people, you wouldn't do that.
A common misperception of me is...
That I'm a stand-up comedian. I'm an idiot who tells stories.
I'm not a politician but...
The world should be grateful for that. Though if I were, I'd clamp down on litter first.
I'm good at...
Getting out of trouble.
But I'm very bad at...
Staying out of trouble.
The most surprising thing that ever happened to me was...
That I have a career doing what I do. I've never had a proper job in my life. Every time life's gone wrong and I've been in trouble, I've told people about it and been rewarded. Twice I've been in real financial strife. A couple of years ago I was given an advance on a novel and I didn't write it. I spent all the money, though. It was enough to get me 90,000 miles around the world. Instead of being a disaster story, I made a stage show of it and wrote a book about it [Googlewhack Adventure].
The ideal night out is...
Dinner with two or three friends, ideally somewhere I haven't been before. I like new things always.
In moments of weakness I...
Turn around and walk away. Anything to avoid conflict in life.
You know me as a comedian, but in a truer life I'd...
Probably be teaching something. I've never had a job so I didn't give anything up.
The best age to be is...
I'm hoping 36 because it's my 36th birthday soon. So far every year has been better than the last. At some point that has to stop being true.
In a nutshell, my philosophy is this:
Everything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Elisa Bray
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