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Myleene Klass: The 5-Minute Interview

'In a truer life I'd have been an astronaut. I love astronomy'

Elisa Bray
Wednesday 04 January 2006 20:00 EST

The presenter and former Hear'say member Myleene Klass, 27, is the first ambassador for the charity Youth Music.

I was asked to be Youth Music ambassador because ...

From when I was 13, I taught for piano exams. You have to listen to children and learn from them. Music is force-fed. It's just a cooking pot of pop.

I am working with the children's charity NCH and their anti-bullying campaign because ...

Most people suffered from bullying. I was never good at sport. I used to lock myself in the music room which was never cool, nor was carrying a violin to school. If you've been bullied you feel so isolated.

I'm not a politician but ...

I'd like to see all the money that seems to get raised for charities and Live8 get hand-delivered so it hasn't been filtered through the system. All the charity ambassadors in their countries in their Mercs!

If I wasn't talking to you right now I'd be...

I've just got engaged so I'm up to my eyes in taffeta at the moment. I'm in complete bridal limbo.

I'm very bad at ...

Cooking. But if it takes three minutes in the microwave I'm great at it.

The ideal night out is ...

A night in. I don't like going clubbing and I don't drink.

In a truer life I'd have been ...

An astronaut. I absolutely love anything to do with astronomy and the stars. If I could achieve a space walk it would be the most liberating thing.

In a nutshell, my philosophy is ...

Carpe diem. People think I'm lucky, but I've worked so hard. The work ethic keeps me going; I don't wait for lady luck.

Myleene Klass presents cd:uk, Saturdays at 11.30am on ITV1.

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