Caroline Spelman: You Ask The Questions
Can you give an assurance that all loans made to the Conservative Party are on commercial terms and are properly declared? Marcus Williamson, by email
Yes. We have been assured by one of the City's largest law firms so you needn't just take my word for it.
Is the state too big? Brian Meers, Norwich
Yes. Gordon Brown's approach to public services is based on the old-fashioned idea that bureaucratic control from the centre works best. We believe in giving people more control over their own lives and trusting the professionals to deliver the quality public services that people expect.
You got a first in European studies. How did your degree inform your views on the EU and our relationship with it? Simon Oulton, Dundee
My academic studies and the eight years I spent living in Paris influenced my views on Europe. On a personal level I miss the caf culture of France, and generally I think there is much European countries can learn from one another. On the whole I am enthusiastic about what European co-operation has to offer but the point at which it goes beyond co-operation and strays towards coercion is where you get problems.
How would you stop faith schools being run by extremists, of whatever denomination? Mary Pearson, London NW1
Part of the solution lies in giving parents the power to have a greater say in their child's education and the way their school is run. In addition to this there are also legal safeguards in place. For example the Education and Inspections Act which we supported requires all schools to promote community cohesion and all schools are subject to inspections.
What is the most shocking sight you have seen as an MP? David Black, Northampton
When I was shadow International Development Secretary I was involved in bringing a little boy called Ali Ismael Abbas to the UK for treatment after the horrific burns he received during the Iraq war. Ali's bravery is truly inspirational.
What is the point of the Tories? Ed Niven, Bristol
The point is to provide a credible alternative to a Labour government that is failing. We have a clear vision for Britain's long-term interests and as a result we are setting the agenda in British politics.
Who is better Chris Huhne or Nick Clegg? Julian Davey, London SW19
I think it is a mistake to think that the problems the Liberal Democrats face are solely to do with who is leading them. The modern Conservative agenda of being more green, more family-friendly and more committed to getting power down to a local level has left the Lib Dems with difficulties. What we are seeing is that many liberals who oppose ID cards, want strong policies on the environment and want a strong British foreign policy are finding a home in the Conservative Party, most recently the former Lib Dem MEP Sajjad Karim who defected to us just last week.
Have you ever taken hard drugs or soft drugs? Tom Phillips, Barnet
No, a glass of scotch is enough for me!
Is it true you like singing? Fiona Brown, Manchester
I enjoy it but I'm not particularly gifted. Last year MP Sarah Teather and I sang Delibes' "Flower Duet" for charity and she certainly came out of it better than me!
Have you always been a Tory? Tim Shepherd, Birmingham
Although my father was a Conservative activist I wasn't particularly political until I set up my own business and then I gradually got drawn into the party through Conservatives Abroad. When my husband and I moved back to the UK I decided I wanted to take it further and try to become an MP, but joining Parliament in 1997 was certainly not the easiest time to be a Tory.
Should we pull out of Iraq? Alan Donaldson, Peterborough
I think everyone will be relieved that more of our troops are coming home, particularly their families, but the problem with immediate withdrawal is that security in southern Iraq is very fragile. Giving a precise timetable for withdrawal risks playing into the hands of the insurgents and ultimately we have to follow the advice of our commanders on the ground.
What has gone wrong with New Labour? Martin Porter, Canterbury
Where do I start? After a decade in government the reality is there just isn't anything new about New Labour any more. There is a worrying complacency that goes beyond a lack of vision, it is about a lack of basic competence. In the last two weeks we have seen the details of 25 million people lost, the police called in for a second time to investigate Labour's finances and all the indicators suggest storm clouds are gathering over the economy.
Do you think Gordon Brown will be leading Labour into the next general election? George Fraser, London NW2
It is by no means a given. There are some stony faces on the benches behind Gordon Brown when he takes Prime Ministers' Questions, [as] each week it seems the Government is engulfed in another scandal. I'm sure there are people on his own side who are wondering if he is up to the job.
How can we build houses and stay green? Ian Cruickshank, Cardiff
The Government's approach of burying back gardens under blocks of flats is as un-green as you can get. Eco-friendly homes with proper infrastructure on genuine brownfield sites is a far more sustainable way of increasing housing.
How difficult is it to juggle being an MP and a mother of three? What does it tell you about work/life balance provision? Alice Martin, Colchester
It is difficult, but no more difficult than it is for many other working mums. I am lucky that David Cameron has made a clear priority of helping people get a better work/ life balance.
How big is your carbon footprint? What do you do to try to minimise it? Olivia Jones, Reading
I try my best to reduce my carbon footprint but with three children it is not easy. I cycle to work, take the train when possible and I am pretty good with the recycling, but I'm sure there is more I could do. I look forward to the day when all cars can run on biofuels.
Are climate change conferences like the upcoming Bali conference a waste of time? William Breen, Brighton
No, it is not a waste of time arguably it is one of the best uses of time you can imagine if we are serious about safeguarding our environment. International agreement is vital if together we are going to successfully tackle climate change. As David Cameron has highlighted, we all have to take a shared interest in the environment. The crucial challenge is making sure our actions last beyond the duration of the conference.
Why are there so few women on the Tory front bench? Naomi Hamilton, Warwick
From the outset David Cameron made it clear that he wanted the Tories to better represent the country we want to govern and if you look at the people being selected as parliamentary candidates that change is happening.
Is Lady Thatcher one of your heroines? And do you have any others? Chris Etherington, London W4
Lady Thatcher is one of my heroines after all she shaped the face of Western democracy which is no small achievement. Amongst my other heroines I would have to count Mother Teresa who led a truly inspirational life. Closer to home I am a big fan of [Conservative politician] Gillian Shephard who has been a great mentor to me. I love her wicked sense of humour.
Do you agree with the Tory A list? Philippa Thomas, Aberdeen
I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that I do. It has been a great success by enabling the party to change in a way it needed to.
Isn't it humiliating to be appointed as a token woman and have your real job done by George Osborne, election co-ordinator, and Lord Ashcroft, target seats organisation? John Wright, Cambridge
John I think you'll find all three political parties have election strategists as well as a chairman or president it is how modern parties work. I take pride in working with George Osborne and Michael Ashcroft people I regard as friends as well as colleagues.
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