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Pamela Anderson writes open letter to Vladimir Putin urging Russian President to take action against whale meat trade

Baywatch actress claims a cargo ship carrying endangered whale fin is heading for Russian waters

Heather Saul
Wednesday 15 July 2015 07:14 EDT

Pamela Anderson has written to Vladimir Putin to urge him to take action against the whale meat trade by preventing a cargo vessel passing through Russian waters.

The Sea Shepard Conservation Society (SSCS) said the Winter Bay cargo vessel is transporting more than 1,700 tons of endangered whale fin from Iceland to Japan via the Northeast Passage. The SSCS said the vessel is currently berthed in Tromso, in Norway.

Anderson is a prominent animal rights and conservation activist and launched her own charity, the Pamela Anderson Foundation, in August. She also refused to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket challenge last year, claiming the ALS Association funded experiments involving mice having holes drilled into their heads.

The Baywatch actress called on the Russian President to deny the Winter Bay access in an open letter on her Facebook page.

Her letter reads: “I believe that we both share a mutual love for animals and a deep respect for nature and for this reason I would like to make a personal request to you, on behalf of endangered Fin whales.

“President Putin, you can stop this transit by forbidding this vessel from carrying a cargo of endangered Fin whale meat through Russian waters to Japan.

“I would like to respectfully ask you to consider investigating this shipment and to do what you can to prevent it from transiting to Japan.”

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