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Orange accuses rival of unfair adverts copy' Cellnet of misleading ads

Mary Fagan Industrial Correspondent
Tuesday 26 March 1996 19:02 EST


Industrial Correspondent

The telecommunications company Orange has complained to the Advertising Standards Authority over alleged "misleading" advertisements by Cellnet.

The advertisements, which have been placed in national newspapers in the approach to Orange's stock-market debut today, promote Cellnet as being cheaper than its fledgling rival.

One of the advertisements boasts that Cellnet is "The net that sets you free" while labelling Orange "The net that sets you back". Another states: "To save Orange a bit of money we have published our prices next to theirs."

Orange believes that Cellnet is not comparing like with like and in some cases sets the cost of offpeak use on the Cellnet system against a mixture of offpeak and peak usage on Orange. The company also feels that the advertisements ignore the overall value of its tariff packages, some of which include extras such as 12 months free insurance.

Orange declined to comment on the attack by the larger operator and would not confirm the complaint to the ASA. But industry sources said that the company was aggrieved at the "selective" nature of the advertisements and the timing of their appearance. There is also a view that the plethora of different pricing arrangements from all the mobile operators makes it impossible to make fair comparisons. Orange has always argued that it does not sell on price alone and never will.

Both Cellnet and Vodafone regard the fledgling Orange as a serious player in spite of their own dominance. Vodafone's total subscriber base is approaching 2.5 million with Cellnet not far behind. At the end of February, Orange had 440,000 customers and has been taking on about 30,000 per month.

A casting session for a new advertising campaign by telephone company Mercury has been called off after promotional leaflets said only white children could take part.

The leaflets, put up in swimming pools in south London, said babies auditioning for the part of Claire in the Oliver and Claire adverts should be "cute, white and love the water".

Baby Claire is currently featured in cartoon-style newspaper adverts. Mercury plans a television campaign this year.

Mercury said: "We were very unhappy with the wording of the leaflets and the way that the casting was handled."

Vodafone squeezed, page 21

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