The Feral Beast: Future job prospects
Weepy scenes at 'Prospect' on Thursday, when deputy editor Jonathan Ford unexpectedly stepped down. A Bullingdon contemporary of Cameron and Boris, Ford has departed to work for Reuters. "It's very sad for us," says a spokesman, "Reuters made him an offer he couldn't refuse. We have no idea who is going to replace him – the job is advertised."
Shipping in green cred
Moving, finally, into lush new offices at King's Cross, 'Guardian' staff were told not to put anything under their desks, or, indeed, on top of them, as it could interfere with the eco-friendly ventilation system. Lockers have been provided for storing grot. Odd, then, that all staff were greeted with a goody bag pre-packed with pointless clutter, including a USB stick, lanyard, card-holder, aluminium bottle and handbook. With a nod to the environment, a document detailing the origin of all materials used in their manufacture has been issued. Naturally most of the junk was air-freighted in from China.
Sympathy for the marquess
The 'Daily Mail' reports that the Marquess of Blandford is to live on the streets for a BBC1 documentary called 'Rich, Famous and Homeless'. "Blandford should be used to the uncomfortable conditions, having previously spent time behind bars for driving and drug-related offences," it gloats. So which other celebrities will be on the show? Why, none other than Rosie Boycott of the 'Daily Mail', who can no doubt sympathise with Jamie Blandford's past.
Christmas fizz falls flat
The dramatic consequences of the advertising downturn saw the 'Evening Standard' pulling its popular 'Homes and Property' supplement at the last minute on Wednesday and integrating it into the paper. Fortunately this is only a temporary measure, and 'H&P' will reappear after the traditionally quiet Christmas period. But it didn't give much cause for celebration at the supplement's Christmas party, which happened to fall last Wednesday.
Blame it all on the ex
Writing in 'The Guardian' about his kidnapping in Afghanistan earlier this year, film-maker Sean Langan admits he has become a kidnap bore. He drones on about how the experience has made him value the important things in life, adding that he wishes he had been nicer to his ex-wife. He could start by not blaming her, in the same breath, for the West's malaise, caused by, he writes, "all those lifestyle magazines that trick us into believing such blatant rubbish". His ex-wife is Anabel Cutler, lifestyle editor on 'Femail' magazine at the 'Daily Mail'.
Nancy's knickers in a twist
After penning a riveting piece about why John Maynard Keynes is her hero, Nancy Dell'Olio is becoming quite the economics pundit, as well as lingerie entrepeneur. Last week she was on the 'Newsnight' couch, although Paxman and the rest of the country couldn't make out a word she said. When the 'IoS' approached her for a "serious" interview, Nancy's people said yes. Alas, suffering an attack of cold feet at the thought of further probing, Nancy suddenly found herself otherwise engaged.
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