The Independent on Sunday has won three top international awards for design, it was announced yesterday.
The Society of News Design honoured The Independent on Sunday with two awards for excellence in its news coverage – for the Japanese tsunami last March, and the Norwegian massacre in July.
The New Review, our magazine, won a prestigious silver award, with one judge saying: "It's quite simply the best newsprint magazine I have ever seen."
The SND awards – which are judged over three days in New York by a panel of experts – are recognised as the global gold standard of newspaper design. There were 10,236 entries. Of the British national press, only The Financial Times emerged with The Independent on Sunday as award-winners.
The announcement comes the day after two Independent on Sunday journalists were shortlisted in the British Press Awards: Matthew Bell, as diarist of the year, and Robert Chalmers, as interviewer of the year.
And last week new figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations show that for SEVEN months in a row The Independent on Sunday has increased its year-on-year newstrade sales, while the quality Sunday newspaper market overall shows a double-digit decline.
The Independent on Sunday will shortly be freshening up our award-winning design and introducing some new features: but, rest assured, we will remain true to the approach that won our art director Colin Wilson and assistant art director Sarah Morley, as well as art director of The New Review Stephen Petch, international acclaim yesterday.
We would like to thank all our readers for their support.
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