University and college vacancies service
13 August: Which Way?
14 August: A-level results released
First Listings / Guide to clearing
16 August: Parents' Guide
The Independent will once again be the only broadsheet offering the official listings of university and college vacancies for this autumn. They will be supplemented by up-to-the-minute, expert advice on what to do if your A-levels or Highers grades are not what you expected.
In Education+ today, on pages 12 and 13, there is advice for Scottish students who receive the results of their Highers tomorrow.
On Wednesday 13 August, we will be giving away with The Independent a magazine called Which Way? jointly published with the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (Ucas). It will be crammed with advice for students and parents.
Vacancy lists supplied by Ucas will appear regularly in The Independent and The Independent on Sunday, beginning on Thursday 14 August, the day the A-level results appear. Lists continue until 15 September.
On 14 August, in addition to Education +, there will be a supplement of special features offering excellent advice on the options open to you. On Saturday 16 August, we will be offering advice to the parents of potential students in our essential Parents' Guide, and throughout the clearing period we will be giving you a taste of different types of courses by publishing the personal experiences of students.
The Independent. Indispensable.
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