Secondary School League Tables: Key
The average point score at GCSE is arrived at by giving recognition to all qualifications gained by a pupil. An intermediate GNVQ is awarded four times as many points as an A* to C grade pass at GCSE.
The value added score is arrived at by predicting what pupils should achieve at 16 when they arrive at the school at age 11. If on average pupils improve upon their predicted performance, the school will be awarded a score of more than 1,000. If they slip back, it will get less than 1,000.
The average point score for A-level again takes account of all qualifications gained by pupils including key skills. The majority of the weighting is for A-levels though with 120 points for an A grade, 100 for a B, 80 for a C, 60 for a D, 40 for an E. An AS-level is worth half an A-level.
Symbols used in tables
& Absence figure of less than 0.05% but more than 0%.
? No absence return received.
@ Absence return not required.
- Not published in year in question.
_ No entries in year in question.
# School's value added measure suppressed because less than half the pupils have been there from the age of 11.
; Independent school opting out of value added.
! New institution information not applicable.
In addition the abbreviations used to describe the schools are: AC=academy, CY=community school, VA=voluntary aided, VC=voluntary controlled, FD=foundation school, CTC=City Technology College, IND=Independent.
The following abbreviations show type of specialist school: A=Arts, B=Business and Enterprise, E=Engineering, L=Languages, M=Mathematics and Computing, S=Sport, Sc=Science, T=Technology, H=Humanities, Mu=Music.
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