Games: Sculpture puzzle puzzle
A few weeks ago, we set the task of creating an appropriate anagram of "Darth Vader Sculpture Puzzle". Here are some of the more beguiling entries:
Vlad sure captured HRT (Helen Martin); Lecturers hard up - TV ad (R.W.Cragg, who also came up with the medicinal: Ruptured? Drs have talc); Depraved cult art rush (which C. Rumble thought neatly described the competition); VCR has pale dud turret (D.M.Howle, who also produced: Starlet carved up Hurd); Ruler had used PVC tart (Simon Pressey); Crude rat had vet slurp (Lynne Clark); Perv had cultured arts (Sandra Horn); Prude TV star had lucre (Arthur Clark); turd spurt reached lav (Jonathan White); Hard-up reds cut travel (Mrs F.M.Agassiz); V. ruptured cathedrals (John Kelly).
But the one we liked best was: "Cult art served up hard", which wins Donald Hurt of Newton Abbot a Darth Vader Sculpture Puzzle from The Really Useful Games Company.
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