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Fran Abrams
Wednesday 22 March 1995 19:02 EST

Safety test

A campaign to help prevent tragedies such as the M40 minibus crash in which 12 children died has been launched by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) and the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL).

The two groups want teachers who drive pupils in minibuses to be tested to the same standards as professional drivers. The RoSPA has already launched a national minibus driver test, and an ATL poster campaign will target 20,000 schools in England to warn them of the dangers of driving without seeking the qualifications.

For information on specialist minibus driver training courses, phone the RoSPA training centre on 0121 706 8121.

Comic questions

Comic Relief, funded by the annual Red Nose Day, which took place last Friday, has produced two education packs for schools. In addition to Altogether Better, a pack on special education needs mentioned in this column earlier this year, there is also Teacher Relief 2 - the Sequel, designed for secondary school students.

This pack aims to bring alive two questions: "Why are people in Africa so damn poor?" and "What does it have to do with us?" A video starring Lenny Henry, Tony Robinson and Peter Sissons among others, covers issues such as trade, debt, human rights and the environment.

The pack contains back-up material and a list of addresses for further reference. Altogether Better and Teacher Relief 2 are available for £14.50, including P&P, from Comic Relief Education, EDS, Unit 2, Drywall Estate, Castle Road, Murston, Sittingbourne, Kent ME10 3RL. For more details phone 0171-436 1122.

Fran Abrams

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