Sunday Round-Up: The main stories from yesterday's City pages
The Observer
Six months after the collapse of his Speyhawk property company, Trevor Osborne has emerged to lead the purchase of the former South-East and South-West divisions of the Government's Property Services Agency for pounds 11.4m.
Pro-Share, the wider share- ownership organisation, is looking for a new chief executive following a boardroom reshuffle approved last week.
Nearly 1,000 disillusioned names are expected to resign from the Lloyd's insurance market by the end of the year, but this is half the departures seen last year.
Share tips: sell Shanks & McEwen.
The Mail on Sunday
Two stockbrokers closely linked to the Kuwait Investment Office have been fined a record pounds 300,000 by the Securities and Futures Authority and expelled.
Dixons is suing the former owners of PC World for allegedly misrepresenting its financial performance when they sold it for pounds 8.5m in February.
The US giant PepsiCo is expected to buy Britvic, the UK's second biggest soft drinks company, for pounds 350m early next year.
Share tips: De La Rue, Burford,, Great Southern Group.
The Sunday Express
Sainsbury is to open a cut-price bulk sales store in London Docklands in the new year, only a couple of months after losing its court battle to scupper a cut-price warehouse store at Thurrock set up by the US group Costco.
The Sunday Telegraph
Sales of the Daily Mirror have fallen 112,000 to 2.45 million in the wake of the publication of photographs taken by a hidden camera of the Princess of Wales at a health club. This would be one of the biggest sales falls since the Suez crisis. The circulation has declined 10.6 per cent since David Montgomery took over as chief executive just over a year ago.
Lloyd's has failed to produce a settlement for rebel members. After a long council meeting on Friday, meetings today with the worst hit Feltrim and Gooda Walker syndicates have been cancelled. The postponement of a settlement was blamed on legal complexities.
Chelsfield, the property group built up by Elliott Bernerd, will this week go public at a value of about pounds 230m.
The Sultan of Brunei is one of the mystery backers behind Prince Edward's new television company, Ardent Productions.
Two rival venture capital consortia bidding for William Hill, the betting chain, are believed to be joining forces. One is led by SG Warburg and includes Mercury Asset Management and Electra. The other is led by Legal & General and Cinven.
Share tips: Limit, Hiscox Select, FUIT, Field, Protean, Metrotect, Control Techniques, Kenwood Appliances, Close Brothers.
The Sunday Times
Michael Gifford, chief executive of Rank, has indicated the company is likely to sell its 49 per cent stake in Rank Xerox to its American partner, Xerox Corporation. The stake is valued at pounds 1.5bn. Mr Gifford said that 'one day, Xerox might approach us', although he added no such approach had yet been made. For anti-trust reasons, he said, Xerox could not buy a competitor, leaving its only options to buy Fuji's share in Fuji Xerox, which was unlikely, or the Rank shares.
Reductions in Treasury spending totals for the next two years could give the markets a Budget boost.
The future ownership of Westland is coming under scrutiny. City sources believe that GKN may be weighing a full bid.
Share tips: accept bid for Ferranti.
Independent on Sunday
The Government is trying to force down the rate of inflation by getting goods and services that are falling or static in price included in the Retail Price Index. Among the items expected to join the index next year are new car prices.
At least two Continental groups are preparing bids for ITV stations that could be launched as soon as the present moratorium on takeovers is lifted. Generale des Eaux, the French utility, and Bertelsmann, the German group, have been in touch with media consultants who have asked them to help prepare moves into British television.
McDonnell Douglas Information Systems, the UK computer company formed through a management buyout in March, is expected to float on the Stock Exchange next year. City analysts say the company is likely to be valued at between pounds 100m and pounds 200m.
Walt Disney is believed to have offered to give up all its lucrative concession and royalty rights in Euro Disney in an effort to appease angry bankers.
A legal action by 3i coming before the Court of Appeal on Wednesday could lead to fundamental changes in the way banks lend money and to much larger losses for companies if banks collapse.
Share tips: Buy Benson Group, Casket, Telspec.
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