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Business Diary: Finsbury swoops in at easyJet

Sunday 14 November 2010 20:00 EST

Finsbury has a lot for which to thank Sir Stelios Haji-Ionannou, the easyJet founder, who has been battling the company in a dispute over branding rights. Although it has long used Financial Dynamics as its PR adviser, the budgetairline called in Finsbury to give it some extra support during the legal battle. The case has now been settled, but Finsbury isn't going anywhere. It's pinched FD's spot as easyJet's main adviser.

An away-day for Teddy

The Diary is all for entrepreneurial spirit, but isn't Furry Toys Tours, pushing its luck? The pitch is that your loyal teddy bear deserves some thanks for all the love it had lavished upon you over the years. For just €100, they will take the soft toy in question on a holiday to Paris – and you'll get a bunch of photos of it visiting famous landmarks in the city.

Chinese business in his pocket

Well done Adam Hainsworth, the boss of Yorkshire-based Hainsworth, who stole a march on the Prime Minister last week. As Mr Cameron was arriving inChina extolling the virtues of British business, Mr Hainsworth was leaving the country with a £1m order for the textiles his company produces. In particular, the Chinese are snapping up as much of his baize as they can get their hands on, such is the local demand for snooker and pool tables.

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