Carmakers take a ‘nothing to see here’ approach

Top marks to Mike Hawes, boss of the car industry’s lobbying group, for his Alka Seltzer effervescence. His statement from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders on new car sales managed completely to avoid use of the VW-word.
Car sales had their highest September on record, competitive deals abounded, tractor production beat all the Dear Father’s targets.
Finally, in the very last sentence, Mr Hawes includes the cryptic words: “It is too early to draw conclusions, but customer demand for diesel remained strong, accounting for one in two cars registered.”
We called the SMMT just to check, and yes, he was referring there to the biggest scandal ever to hit his industry. I’m reminded of Comical Ali, Saddam Hussein’s ever-optimistic PR man, extolling the strength of the Iraqi army as US tanks rolled into view.
The truth is, the VW scandal will change the car industry for good. VW will survive, humbled, but the death knell tolls for diesel.
Just watch Mr Hawes’ numbers in the coming months.
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