is a free-to-join, members-only website offering customers up to 70 per cent off hotel stays in the UK and overseas. Each discount is offered exclusively by Secret Escapes and, despite the name, there is no mystery hotel element to the break. Great offers are running on five-star breaks in Antalya in Turkey,St George's Bay in Malta and Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Poinsettia deals at B&Q
B&Q launched its "pound-settia" sale this week, with festive poinsettia house plants available for just £1. Larger varieties of the plant, a Christmas favourite, will cost £4.98 for a 13cm plant or £12.98 for a 17cm version.
Eye up a discount at GetLenses
Contact lens specialist claims to offer discounts of up to 70 per cent on identical lenses from high-street suppliers with free delivery on orders over £30. Best-selling dailies include Ciba Vision's All Day Comfort and AquaComfort ranges, while top monthly lenses include Coopervision's Frequency 55 and the Ciba Vision Air Optix Aqua.
Two-for-one at Brasserie Gerard
Our favourite printable discount coupon this week comes via and entitles users to two-for-one main courses at Brasserie Gerard, until Sunday 20 November, with one voucher valid for up to six diners. Visit
Apologies ...
Finally, an apology for last week's column which as many readers have pointed out ran with the same copy as the previous week. This was due to a glitch in the editing process.
Independent Partners: Save up to 70 per cent on luxury hotels and holidays with Secret Escapes. Sign up today
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