Six things you could do at last week's 19th International Online Information Meeting at Olympia

William Hartston
Sunday 10 December 1995 19:02 EST

1 Find a paper on Ovid Technologies' PsycINFO CD-Rom (available for networks: pounds 7,815 plus pounds 2,815 loading fee) on "learned helplessness in the acquisition of chess knowledge". Or chase up the latest on Korsakoff's psychosis on Ovid's Core Biomedical Collection.

2 Discover, thanks to the new complete Goethe on CD-Rom from Chadwyck- Healey (pounds 3,950), whether the great man's last words were "Mehr Licht!" (more light) or something more on the lines of: "Es dunkelt; wollen Sie so freundlich sein das Fenster zu offnen?" (it's getting dark; would you kindly open the window) or something else entirely (etwas ganz anders).

3 Call up MathSciNet, courtesy of the American Mathematical Society (http://www. ams. org) for a free trial (until 15 December) of its maths database. Search for a recent paper on the maths of fingerprinting and download instead a copy of "Quantum nodal points as fingerprints of classical chaos".

4 Look up "air traffic controllers" or "fish" on Geobase, a CD-Rom from Elsevier (pounds 27.95), and find out about "burnout and health status in Italian air traffic controllers" or that "fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, acquire predator recognition when alarm substance is associated with the sight of unfamiliar fish".

5 Call the US Patent Office on the Net (http://www. uspto. gov) and find out about recent patented improvements to the golf club. Or search on CD-Roms produced by the European Patent Office for analogous information closer to the Royal and Ancient.

6 Have a scientific text translated by computer from Russian into English. Access Russia, Inc. of Albany California, has a program that uses a "semantic- syntactic analysis" of words and word combinations. Watch out for what the man from Compuserve describes as "post-traumatic Web syndrome".

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