Mirrors and wall art are hot products on eBay this week

Monday 21 March 2011 21:00 EDT

A roundup of the most searched for products on online auction site eBay over the past week.

There was very little change in this week's international eBay rankings - cupcake stands remained popular in Canada, garden furniture and chainsaws still proved popular in Germany and France and Americans were once again searching for women's clothing brand Anthropologie.

The only real change in regional top two rankings came from Australia where "mirror" and "wall art" replaced last week's terms, "furniture" and "cushions," though the theme of home decor remained dominant.

A search conducted on March 21 on ebay.au returns 19,384 results for "mirror" and 11,598 results for the term "wall art."

Interestingly this week it was only British and American eBay users that used specific search terms such as a product name or brand. Across all other regional eBay sites, the most popular term was generic - mirror in Australia or chainsaw in France for example.

According to eBay monitoring and data analysis company Terapeak,* the most searched for items under the category of Home and Garden over the seven days prior to March 18 were:

Australia ( ebay .com.au)
wall art  

Canada ( ebay .ca)
cupcake stands

France ( ebay .fr)
tronconneuse thermique (chainsaw)
tapis (carpet)

United States of America ( ebay .com)
Anthropologie (women's clothing brand)

Germany ( ebay .de)
gartenmöbel (garden furniture)
gartenhaus (garden house)

United Kingdom ( ebay .co.uk)
Laura Ashley

* Terapeak is an eBay research tool that helps customers price, list and sell items using eBay data.

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