Student tracks down Tinder crush after sending emails to every Claudia at US university

'Hello all Claudias of Missouri state'

Olivia Petter
Tuesday 23 January 2018 08:26 EST
Twitter (HaydenMoll)

Finding love at first swipe is no mean feat.

There’s only so much swiping one finger can take until one's accuracy is hindered.

For example, what if, in a moment of madness, you accidentally swipe left on the person of your dreams? Have you lost them forever to the dating app abyss? Or could there be a way of retrieving them?

One savvy student from Missouri was determined to pursue the latter after he accidentally rejected a woman named Claudia on Tinder.

Hayden Moll conducted a university-wide search, sending emails to every Claudia he could find on his university campus, which consists of 23,000 students.

Thankfully, his efforts did not go unrewarded as he eventually managed to track down his crush, who he later found out was Claudia Alley.

Moll emailed 40 students at the University of Missouri writing: “Hello all Claudias of Missouri state (I think I may have missed some and if so someone help me).

“First off my name is Hayden and I made a rookie mistake on Tinder. I accidentally swiped left on Claudia's profile (left is bad) and I really wanted to swipe right.”

He added that her profile said she was 20 years old although in her bio she explained she was actually aged 18 and simply didn’t know how to change her profile age.

“Actually 18, but I don’t know how to change the age. Three out of the five friends pictured are single if you’d rather have one of them. My mom is not included,” Alley’s bio reads.

“The pictures she provided had some with her friends and her mom in them,” Moll’s email continues.

“In her bio it said some of her friends were single and if anyone liked them better that's fine but they couldn't have her mom (this had me dead btw).

“So like I said I meant to swipe right but that didn't happen. My Instagram is hayden.moll if you want to look me up.”

He asked all prospective Claudias to respond with a simple “right” or “left” to let him know if they were interested in him, in which case, Moll proposed going to “get some doughnuts or something”.

Alley shared screenshots of Moll's email on Twitter, which quickly prompted them to go viral, generating more than 158,000 likes.

Moll's Twitter bio now reads: "So I emailed a few Claudias" while Alley's reads: "Check your email often".

Social media fans are waiting with bated breath to know if the two did indeed go on a date.

The Independent has contacted Moll for comment. Stay tuned.

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