Rock on, without going deaf

Monday 28 February 2011 20:00 EST
(Lisa F. Young)

Rock concerts, loud movies, and urban living can all take a toll on your hearing. You risk losing hearing when exposed to sounds at 85 decibels or more, which is about the same sound level as a kitchen blender or hair dryer.

On February 23, health news website MyHealthNewsDaily published a report on what sounds put your ears at risk. The louder the noise and longer you are exposed to it, the greater your risk.

Here's a quick list of decibels levels that you may be exposed to:

30 dB = library
50 dB = rain
60 dB = normal conversation
70 dB = vacuum cleaner
80 dB = busy street
90 dB = shop tools
100 dB = chain saw
110 dB = rock music (in the audience)
120 dB = rock music (as a performer)
130 dB = jackhammer
140 dB = air raid siren

While most everyone's hearing diminishes as they age, prevention is key to protecting your ears. Here is advice from MyHealthNewsDaily:

  • Avoid exposure to noise when possible.
  • When you can't avoid noise, wear earplugs, which can stop 25 dB of sound. Cotton in your ears doesn't work.
  • You can cut down noise in the home with rubber mats under appliances and carpets on floors. Drapes on windows help keep outside noise from coming into your home.
  • Turn down the volume on TVs, radios, music sound systems and portable MP3 players. Be especially careful to keep the volume down if you wear ear buds.
  • Don't sit near speakers at concerts, dances or weddings.
  • Look for noise ratings when buying any product that creates sound, such as a hair dryer. Choose quieter models.

Read more:

More tips on creating a quieter home:

Is your love of music costing you your hearing? Watch this video for tips:

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