New Hollywood diet trend is just a modified “skinny jean” fad

Thursday 06 May 2010 19:00 EDT

On May 5 gossip and celebrity news sites and blogs like HollywoodScoop and even Huffington Post lit up over Jennifer Aniston's new secret to a ridiculously fit body at age 41. The secret is basically "baby food" - very similar to the baby food fad of 2006 sparked by men vying to look their best in Dior Homme's skinny jeans.

Tracy Anderson, celebrity trainer who has also worked with Gweneth Paltrow and Madonna, told HollywoodScoop that she has created "The Baby Food Cleanse eating plan, 14 portions of pureed food a day followed by a healthy adult dinner."

"Liquid cleanses do help you lose weight but you will gain more the next week. I wanted something where you can eliminate toxicity, break bad habits but still have your digestive system going. That is when the baby food cleanse was born. You get to eat all day, these little puree things and the chocolate pudding I did is pretty killer." Aniston has reportedly lost seven pounds (3.17kg).

It is unclear if Anderson fashioned her "new" cleanse after the diet of Hedi Slimane, former iconic Christian Dior designer, known as the "baby food" diet. In 2006, style guru Mark Heyes told GMTV, a UK morning news show and site, he tried Slimane's mush plan, described as:

Breakfast: Porridge pudding or mashed banana

Snack: Water or juice

Lunch: Chicken country vegetables or other fish jar

Dinner: Liquidised chicken and potato.

Drank 2 litres of water a day.

Even though Heyes lost 6 lbs (2.72kg) and attained his goal of looking good in Dior Homme jeans, he said the "baby food" made him feel tired and it "was tough because you just don't feel full. It's also like you're not eating 'proper' food - just mush. To combat that I bought jars from 12 months plus. I wouldn't do the diet again but I would eat a couple of the jars at lunchtime when I'm out and about shopping."

Aniston's "baby food" meals are most likely not coming from a jar as they consist of fruit smoothies, pureed oatmeal and pears with cinnamon, soups containing dandelion greens and a dinner of lean meats and vegetables. There are definitely worse trends and if you decide to start shopping for baby food you won't be surprised to find that there are many options like Earth's Best and Gerber Organics that are certified organic with no growth hormones, antibiotics, steroids or potentially harmful pesticides or herbicides, filled with vitamins, containing no added salt, sugar, artificial flavors, colors or preservatives and many are vegan, wheat-free and kosher certified. Plus a dozen 4-oz jars will cost less that €9 depending on the brand.

The program seems to promotes simple "clean" mono meals. "Cleansing, in general, gives the digestive track a chance to rest and aids the body in ridding toxins," said Emily Razzano, founder of the raw food company d', to Relaxnews.

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